More time, please

More time, please

Yesterday would have been mom’s 84th birthday. This year also marks the twentieth anniversary of dad’s passing. Remembering my parents recalls the emotional anxiety of their elderly years, knowing that time was short. How many times have you said, “Ah, I just need...
Green Slime

Green Slime

My husband Mike has been repairing our old bow front fish tank, which has been taking up space in the garage for close to a year-and-a-half. It had to be put into “retirement” because of a crack in its top frame...
Christmas Memories of Remembrance and Hope

Christmas Memories of Remembrance and Hope

Looking through photos of some childhood pictures from Christmas time brings on a strange, numb kind of… no, it’s the current state of how I feel – that the faces looking back at me are more like acquaintances than my intimate immediate family. People who I should...