The Infinity of Blue

In my post on Green, I shared about how exciting it was for me to be able to see so vividly after having my eyesight corrected with laser surgery. It wasn’t only the leaves that I remember in that moment, it was the endless blue sky – everything seemed so in focus and...

Purple Power of Prayer – For Paula

When I first saw the movie The Wizard of Oz it was in black and white. When I finally saw it in color, it was a whole new experience. Can you relate? Ancient times tend to be in black and white for me as well, but scripture cures that. From Genesis to Revelation the...

Purple is coming …

Photo taken by Felix Mittermeier on All I can say about purple at this point in my research is wow! I’m going to give myself the opportunity to dig into the color more. With that, I’d like to let you know that I will be changing my posting days to...

So Red…

What do you most associate red with? As I pondered that question myself, the spiritual side of me thought of blood, while my worldly side came up with the song Red Rain by Peter Gabriel. What did he write that about? You can check it out here Red Rain by Peter Gabriel...

Can You See Jesus in Green?

Where do you go to clear your head? When you just need to think? My favorite escape has always been outdoors. When I’ve got something on my mind, stepping outside almost always brings me clarity, or next steps to take. Breathing in the outdoor air and looking around...

Colors Used in Scripture

To write about color I must include light. I dabble in painting (watercolor and acrylic mediums), and am continually in awe of God’s art. The inspiration to write about the use of colors in the Bible has me excited, and a bit overwhelmed at the depth of research. So,...