She Lived a Quiet Life – for Paula

“… and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you…” – 1 Thessalonians 4:11 My mom passed away peacefully in her sleep on November 10, 2022, as quietly as the life she lived. I spoke with her a few days...

Dichotomy in Music

Classic church service music isn’t normally my thing, but it’s grown on me, and I have a new appreciation for the music. This past weekend the song entitled “My Worth is Not in What I Own” really moved me. You can check it out here (176) Keith & Kristyn Getty...

I Hoped She’d Tell Me More

When I first shared with my mom that I was writing a book about the domestic violence in our family, I was nervous about what her reaction was going to be. I had always tiptoed around her feelings like they were eggshells. After telling mom about my endeavor, her...

She’s Still Resting Comfortably – for Paula

My mom continues in the final leg of her journey from this life into the next. My brothers update me regularly on her condition, and I’m able to briefly speak with her every so often. Her memory continues to amaze me. In her lucid moments she knows who I am, and...

That Storm’s Comin’ Fast

In Arizona, it’s not hard to tell when a storm is on the way, but sometimes it’s hard to gauge the speed of a storm. While watching qualifications at the Classic Outboard Championships this past weekend, the afternoon heats were shut out by a moderately fast-moving...

Is there something you think you know about me?

Making assumptions about people hurts – both on the giving and the receiving ends. This has been heavy on my heart recently as the hurt of judgment from a friend still lingers. It’s not the first time it’s happened, and it won’t be the last. The initial sting of being...